
Australia Day: Fireworks and Pancakes~

On Australia Day my brother, mum and I went to the city to see the fireworks. We ended up sitting with our backs to the fireworks (because we weren't really told where they were going to be) but an oval was behind the area where we were, so we ran onto the oval and ended up getting a better view anyway!

I took a few photos near the river before the fireworks that I'm really proud of. I only have a small digital camera and I'm not a photographer at all, so I was really happy with how these turned out.

Here's some pictures of the fireworks:

I love fireworks, they're so beautiful. They remind me of how awesome it would be if this scene from FFXIII was possible :P

My brother Ryan, mum Karen and me

Anddd.. a selfie~

Afterwards we went to Pancake Parlour. I had a blue heaven ice-cream soda and a short stack with vanilla ice-cream. It tasted delicious, but I was so full afterwards I felt sick, but worth it haha

Overall, the night was great and the fireworks were beautiful!

- Beth :)

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