
Chi Chi Fashionista Set Swatches and Review

Hey guys I know I haven't done a review in a while and I got this set from my friend for Christmas and I love it!
It comes with 8 nail polishes, including 1 pearl, 1 shimmer, 3 glitter and 3 glossy. It has a great range of different types of polishes and the colours go together really well.

For those of you who prefer videos here is a video showing the swatches:

The Packaging was really cute with a zigzag type pattern on the box and a mirror background behind the polishes. Once you open the box from the side they are easy to get out. One thing I love about Chi Chi cosmetics is that they don't test on animals, on their boxes it says 'only tested on family and friends'.


As you can see there is a big difference between 1 coat and two coats with these polishes. 1 coat appears very sheer but all of these polishes only needed 2 coats to achieve a wearable look.

Seperate swatches and reviews

Polishes are in the order they came in in the box ^^


Opacity: covers alot of the nail, may need 
a few more coats for intense opacity
Finish: white pearl and white shimmer
Application: smooth, little bit thin


Opacity: May need 3 coats for full opacity
Finish: Little dark gold specks and shimmer
Application: smooth

Black with glitter

Opacity: 2-3 coats will do this color justice
Finish: black with silver and holographic glitter
Application: streaky at first but then smooth

 Bubblegum Pink

                                                   Opacity: 2 coats is enough for this color
Finish: creamy and glossy
Application: so smooth and creamy!

Rainbow Glitter

Colors: pink, green, blue, yellow, orange, silver
Opacity: covers most of the nail
Finish: S M and L hexagon glitters, chunky
Application: left a couple of bald spots which needed to be targeted separately


Opacity: 2 coats is enough
Finish: creamy and glossy
Application: smooth and creamy


Opacity: 2 coats is enough
Finish: glossy, creamy with a slight blue/purple shimmer
Application: smooth and creamy

 Girly Glitter

Colors: pink blue and light orange
Opacity: covers 2/3 of the nail
Finish: chunky with S and M glitters
Application: left a few bald spots but easily fixed

Overall I'm really happy with this set, the colors all go well together and the polishes all have a great application. I think the Chi Chi polish sets retail for $19.95 but I have seen them on sale for $14.95.

- Beth :)

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