
Kmart Haul

I know Kmart isn't the most fabulous place to shop, but I swear they have the best prices, and some of their stuff is really nice!

I got two pairs of shoes, pj shorts, board shorts and a summer dress

I needed sandals for the hot days during summer because the ones I have at the moment keep scratching my feet, I found these ones and they're rubber-y so they wont scratch my feet and they're so comfortable! They were $19.00

Unlike most people I really don't want to pay $90 for a pair of Vans so I'm happy with a look-a-like Kmart pair that were $12.00

I got these pj shorts and they were only $4! They're thin so they'll be comfortable in summer.

I got these shorts to go with these bathers from my Cotton On sale haul, but the spots on the shorts are a little smaller than the ones on the bathers, so I might return them.

Lastly I got this dress which was $15, not bad for a simple summer dress, and it's nice and thin too!

- Beth :)

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